South African Fitness Guru and Model – Brad Jay, announced as SodaStream South Africa’s new brand ambassador

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South African fitness guru, personal trainer, TV personality and model, Brad Jay has been signed as SodaStream South Africa’s new brand ambassador; and will undoubtedly play an active role during the next year in inspiring individuals when it comes to their health and the way they view their fitness and hydration.
As the founder of Brad Jay’s Elite Fitness, an exclusive personal fitness training emporium and gymnasium; Brad is extremely passionate about helping individuals find the motivation and inspiration to live a healthier lifestyle. “Being healthy is about commitment and determination, and much of it comes down to reaping the rewards of what you put in, whether it is active training time, or what you consume. What most people do not realise is the importance hydration plays in our daily health. I am honoured to be associated with SodaStream, a brand that I not only knew and loved growing up, but one that offers individuals with a healthier alternative with a way to make water more exciting,” he explains.
SodaStream South Africa’s Managing Director Hugh Wilson echoes the excitement surrounding the new association, “We are proud to be associated with Brad Jay, who is most certainly a great fit for the brand. Health and hydration is a major content pillar for us, and Brad gives us the opportunity to demonstrate this in a meaningful way, while creating engaging social media content for SodaStream South Africa fans and followers. In fact from the 15th of October we will be launching an 8 week #sodaselfie campaign, where Brad will be sharing exclusive training and hydration tips that will undoubtedly help get you ready for a hydrated summer.”
Fans can look forward to some extraordinary tips surrounding the SodaStream at-home hydration solution, which offers a wide-range of flavours and variants at different calorie levels. From the classic, regular flavours (which have 2/3 less sugar, carbs and calories than similar packaged sodas), to the Plus range (which has added vitamins and no artificial sweeteners), to the Sensations range (for those who love flavour combinations and don’t like to live on the plain side of life), as well as the Zero range (which is ideal for the more sugar and health conscious individual offering zero calories); there are certainly countless ways to allow you to make water more exciting by creating fresh plain or flavoured sparkling water, personalised to your taste in seconds.
To discover more follow:

SodaStream SA on: Brad Jay on:
Instagram: @SodastreamSA Instagram: @BradJays
Twitter: @SA_Sodastream  
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